BHS Approved Livery Yard in the Heart of Aberdeenshire
Swanley Livery Yard is a privately owned yard offering DIY and Full Livery within 5 miles of Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire.
Immaculate facilities provide a practical and happy environment for both horse and rider and the yard is surrounded by miles of countryside offering hours of off-road hacking and breath-taking views.
The yard is owned by Carolynne Lovett and Janet and Ken Whittaker. They are passionate about creating a friendly and happy yard for both horses and riders... READ MORE
Purpose built facilities provide horses, liveries and visitors with everything they require.
Each element has been carefully considered to ensure the highest of standards... READ MORE
Visit our photo gallery to view images of everyday life at the yard as well as browse albums showing the various events we hold throughout the year... READ MORE